Some people say cats are their kids, and I’ve written in the past about the similarity between the two. We thought it would be fun to look at the things we say to our cats that also apply to human kids (or would if we had them). I must admit we did a bit of crowd sourcing and got some of these suggestions from our Facebook Page. Enjoy! 1. Aunt Deb is visiting and bringing you snacks/treats/a surprise. 2. Who’s the cutest in the world? 3. Who made this mess? WHO made this mess? 4. Why are you whining? I have cuddled you, fed you, entertained you, brushed you. You have nothing to complain about. 5. Who loves Mommy? 6. Leave your sister alone. 6. Don’t whack/bite/hit your brother. Siblings Fighting7. Where did you get that? 8. What’s that noise? 9. No I don’t want to see your bottom! 10. Go back to sleep, it’s too early. cats and kids waking parents 11. Don’t eat that! 12. I’m not running a restaurant here. 13. Whose poop is this? 14. Get down from there! Get down fromSome people say cats are their kids, and I’ve written in the past about the similarity between the two. We thought it would be fun to look at the things we say to our cats that also apply to human kids (or would if we had them). I must admit we did a bit of crowd sourcing and got some of these suggestions from our Facebook Page. Enjoy! 1. Aunt Deb is visiting and bringing you snacks/treats/a surprise. 2. Who’s the cutest in the world? 3. Who made this mess? WHO made this mess? 4. Why are you whining? I have cuddled you, fed you, entertained you, brushed you. You have nothing to complain about. 5. Who loves Mommy? 6. Leave your sister alone. 6. Don’t whack/bite/hit your brother. Siblings Fighting 7. Where did you get that? 8. What’s that noise? 9. No I don’t want to see your bottom! 10. Go back to sleep, it’s too early. cats and kids waking parents 11. Don’t eat that! 12. I’m not running a restaurant here. 13. Whose poop is this? 14. Get down from there! Get down from